Call for abstracts - CLOSED
The call for abstracts is now closed. We have received 95 abstracts addressing all of the main topics proposed. We anticipate a very exciting conference program (coming soon)!
Abstracts for oral presentations and posters are welcome from now on at
Please use this abstract template. We would like to receive your tentative title and c. 250 words summary by 14 January 2022 (EXTENDED deadline). We are exploring possibilities to accommodate pre-recorded presentations. More information about this option will be available soon.
We will design the program around the following main topics (please select the one in the Abstract form that best describes the topic of your presentation):
1. Forest history
- (e.g. growth trend analysis, historical forest management, wood harvesting and processing, …)
2. Shipwrecks and archaeological structures
- (e.g. excavations with large timber collections, provenance analysis on ship timbers or cargo, …)
3. Furniture and works of art
- (e.g. tree-ring studies on panel paintings, chests, statues and sculptures, or the complete oeuvres of old masters, …)
4. Built heritage
- (e.g. tree-ring studies on roof constructions, log cabins, old temple complexes, …)
5. Evidence of timber trade and transport
- (e.g. tree-ring based provenance analysis, trade marks on ancient timbers, historical evidence of timber trade, overseas transport of wood, …)
6. Novel methods for dating and provenance analysis
- (e.g. stable isotope analysis, aDNA, wood anatomical variables, techniques for wood species identification, …)
7. Non-invasive techniques for the study of wooden cultural heritage
- (e.g. imaging techniques for tree-ring studies, 3D-µCT scanning, AI, …)
Scientific committee
Dr. Marta Domínguez-Delmás - University of Amsterdam/Rijksmuseum
Dr. Aoife Daly - University of Copenhagen
Dr. Kristof Haneca - Flanders Heritage Agency
From Forests to Heritage
From Forests to
From Forests to Heritagem.dominguezdelmas@uva.nl
From Forests to HeritageFrom Forests to Heritage0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Conference venue (to be announced soon)Conference venue (to be announced soon)Amsterdam Netherlands